Customer-centric Approach, Use of AI/ML Tools

Sanjeev Gupta June 2, 2022

Sanjeev Gupta
Today’s thriving industries are all in a bid to achieve better business outcomes and the only way to achieve it is through treading on a path of customer-centricity. The way companies meet their customers’ needs and demands has evolved with evolving technology and businesses need to stay up to date with it. We sat down with Sanjeev Gupta to hear his take on the same. Let’s check out what he has to say:

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About Sanjeev Gupta

He is an accomplished Vice President of Information Technology with over a decade of knowledge in Cloud Computing, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity. His experience includes directing project management activities, operational strategies, and improvement programs to achieve set goals and increase market share. Through his experience, he has developed an aptitude for supervising platform migration and team deployment to achieve optimal business performance and align corporate IT strategy with project requirements. He has demonstrated expertise in the development, maintenance, and delivery of software applications in the Health Information and Financial Services industries. He is skilled in collaborating with global teams to create roadmaps for organizational configuration, functionality, and performance advancements.

1. What trends do you see coming up in the industry – unseemly or exciting – that might change the industry for good?

Ever changing industries, IT plays a major role whether in processing transactions, providing customer services or processing products. A Futuristic approach for an organization and its employees is of utmost importance to keep up with the challenges and provide solutions to their customers. One needs to have a customer-centric approach to be successful in today’s market since customers have plenty of options and choices available at their fingertips due to the internet and data. To better understand current and future trends, Organizations have to rely on quality data to make better decisions to meet companies’ objectives and not just the profit. 1. Customer-Centric Technologies: In my view, the customer is always the priority for an organization’s success. I see organizations will be focusing on customer-Centric technologies to provide better services to customers, gaining their loyalty and satisfaction. To achieve that they will need ways to collect customer data and AI/ML tools to process the data and provide ways to improve customers’ experience and satisfaction. 2. Security-Centric Approach: More and more organizations are now storing their data on globally accessible devices whether you choose cloud-based storage or storage in your data centre, they are all vulnerable to hacking. There was a time when bad actors only dig into financial data but no more, even Health-related data or your data has similar value to them and hence security is equally important. We have recently seen an uptick in hacking in all different industries and not just the financial sector and hence the need for different solutions to protect different types of data using Antivirus, Antimalware, Anti Ransomware, EOP, MDR and so on. Cybersecurity resources are a must for every organization if you plan to host any data that is accessible from outside or you are not global. 3. Limitless access to the Talent Pool: Jobs are increasing across the globe so are the talent as well; organizations are no longer restricted to using local skills, Internet and technology have enabled the employers to recruit the best talent available in the market. It is not as bright as it looks. It has negatively impacted as well since now candidates have more opportunities which has increased the employee turnover in the organization. Employees are looking for more than just the dollar amount, they want good culture, a balance between work and life, remote working facilities and so on.

2. With the software industry right now, What change do you see sticking? a) Perhaps a comment on remote work and distributed teams b) Perhaps a comment on hiring shifts c) Perhaps a comment on attrition and paradigm-changing aspects around it.

Since 2019, after the pandemic hit the world, the Global market has been affected by changes, some good and some bad. We relish that this era brought more globalization and connected the globe virtually and allowed employees to work remotely, not so much in other industries like IT. It has also proved that working remotely has increased productivity for the organization and increased profit since the skillset is now available cheaper in other parts of the world and organizations don’t need to spend money on office space and other office facilities for their employees. However, it did bring some concerns which need to be reviewed by the organization especially when employees started working from other countries which are not their permanent residences so several tax laws come into the picture, stability of work environment, Health insurance and so on. We are social animals and always have lived our lives around people and this sudden change where someone is working 10-14 hours a day from a room and a social life is just meeting people virtually, will this cause any negative effect on our social health. We don’t have enough data yet to provide an analysis and effect however we should continue to research in this direction. I prefer to work 2-3 days per week from office locations since you also need to support your local businesses who depend on these office locations.

Wrapping Up

Sanjeev’s insights were a breath of fresh air as he talked about customer-centricity, AI/ML tools and hybrid work models in depth. We hope you found this Q&A useful and enthralling.
x Customer-centric Approach, Use of AI/ML Tools

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