The Advent Of Newer Software Development Trends, Championing Remote Work and Much More

Natalie Kaminski February 22, 2023

Natalie Kaminski
From AI to cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT), there is so much the IT industry is beaming with in 2023. There’s a lot to look forward to that can change the way we work and yield business outcomes and to understand this, we got in touch with Natalie Kaminski, CEO and Founder of JetRockets.

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About Natalie Kaminski

With over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, Natalie Kaminski is a dynamic and resourceful web and mobile technology entrepreneur. She is currently the CEO and founder of JetRockets, which builds unique software solutions to help clients achieve their business goals. Outside of JetRockets, Natalie builds both tech products and communities. She is the Co-Founder of, a leave management platform for hybrid and remote teams. Natalie is also a member of the Chief and of Entrepreneurs’ Organization, and she holds an Executive MBA from the Quantic School of Business and Technology.

1. As the director and CEO of JetRockets, and a thought leader in the industry, how do you see the technology evolving and advancing in terms of software development?

Software development is changing quickly as people want better, faster, and easier software. In the future, we can expect to see advancements in five main areas: 1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: This will help software understand and analyze data, do tasks automatically, and give suggestions. 2. Low-code and no-code: These tools will make it easier for people to build software without writing as much code. 3. Cloud Computing: This will make it easier for software to work well even when many people are using it at the same time. 4. Internet of Things: As more devices get connected, the software will be needed to manage and understand the data from all these devices. 5. Security: As software becomes more important, making sure it’s secure will become even more important. Overall, software development technology will keep improving and making it possible for people to build even better software and make their lives more productive.

2. How strongly would you recommend outsourcing software development (in particular custom software development) as opposed to in-house development?

Reasons, why startups should outsource software development, include: Saving resources on hiring A startup might begin with just one or two people. But building a product can take a whole team of developers. Hiring all those developers to create an in-house team wastes time, costs resources, and can cause more problems down the road. A Quartz analysis showed that 10% of startups fail due to hiring issues. It is difficult to tell ahead of time whether a new hire will be a good fit. They could turn out to lack key skills or discipline. Additionally, new hires usually do not know each other and are not used to working together. It can take weeks or months for new developers to get up to speed working on their projects. Hiring a development team solves all of these problems. Third-party development teams consist of vetted developers who already work well together. They have had a long time to get used to their workflow. Additionally, the team can include experts that would otherwise be hard to get by hiring a small in-house team. More time for the rest of the business With any business, creating a viable product is only half the battle. Startup founders also have to take care of marketing, managing the business, and obtaining more funding. Outsourcing any part of the business can free up time and energy to focus on the rest of it. With a third-party developer, you save time on hiring, management, and development. An outsourced team will usually provide a project manager to take care of the process and make sure the team is aligning their goals with yours. A larger pool of talent If you only have three developers, you only have three developers. But if you hire a third-party team, you may get access to the skills of 30 or 40 developers, even if three of them do the majority of the work on your product. This means you can get expert skills without having to hire additional expertise. It also means you can adjust over timing, scaling up the project as needs change. Faster time to market The tech world moves fast. Startups that get to the market early have an advantage over those that get to the market later. Third-party software development speeds up development in several ways. Outsourcing your development means you can skip the hiring process entirely, which could take weeks or months. You can also communicate your schedule to your outsourced team so they can plan time accordingly. Also, a larger team means you might not have to wait as long for expert input. Prevents work interruption Running a small in-house team can be lean and cost-efficient, but it is fragile to sudden changes. One member of the team may suddenly have an accident, quit, or go on parental leave. This can disrupt your workflow, leading to development issues, schedule conflicts, and a later market entry. Hiring a third-party team prevents this from happening. Because these teams are usually larger than the small in-house team you would have hired, if one person leaves suddenly, other developers can pick up the slack. Additionally, existing teams may have contingency plans built in for sudden personnel changes. Lower overall costs Quartz’s analysis suggested that 46% of startups fail because they run out of money. Development is a major component of startup costs, so paying less for it can help your startup succeed. Hiring a development team can, in many cases, save significant costs in development fees compared to hiring an in-house team. Some third-party development teams can be quite expensive. A reputable team in Silicon Valley may be more expensive than an in-house team, but you will get your money’s worth. An offshore team, on the other hand, can be much cheaper, because of the lower costs of living in their country. But there are potential problems with hiring an offshore team. Language barriers can create communication issues that lead to problems in the development process. Working in different time zones can obstruct the development process. And different cultural norms can make it difficult to align goals. Many businesses now turn to an alternative option, which is hybrid onshore and offshore teams. These teams have members from multiple countries, and they may all speak English. Because half the team is overseas, total costs can be much lower than with an expensive onshore team. And because half the team is onshore, communication issues are reduced to a minimum.

3. Do you think an amalgam of hybrid teams can drive home better business outcomes in comparison to on-site teams?

Whether hybrid teams or on-site teams can drive better business outcomes depends on various factors. Hybrid teams offer more flexibility and access to a wider pool of talent and can lead to increased productivity with a better work-life balance. But, remote work also has its challenges like communication and building a strong company culture. These can be mitigated by implementing several tools: 1. Communication tools: Utilize technology tools to facilitate communication and collaboration among remote team members. This can include video conferencing, project management software, and instant messaging platforms. 2. Establish clear guidelines: Develop clear guidelines for remote work, such as set work hours, regular check-ins, and expectations for communication. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the remote team can function effectively. 3. Foster a sense of community: Encourage remote team members to get to know one another and build relationships. This can be done through virtual team-building activities, regular check-ins, and online forums. 4. Provide the right resources: Ensure that remote team members have access to the right resources, including technology and support, to enable them to do their jobs effectively. In the end, it comes down to what works best for the specific company and its goals. Both types of teams have pros and cons, and companies need to weigh their options before deciding what’s right for them.

4. Please share your experience in regard to the same.

As the CEO of JetRockets, I’m thrilled to share that our team is killing it in terms of remote work and collaboration! Thanks to effective project management, clear communication, regular check-ins, and all the right resources, our team can work together seamlessly and produce amazing results for our clients. The flexibility and independence of remote work suit our team and their lifestyle. Our clients love the top-notch work our remote team delivers and we’re confident we’ll keep delivering the goods. We’re proud to be at the forefront of remote work and give our team the flexibility they need to have a great work-life balance.

Wrapping Up

As we saw above, remote work has a great deal of benefits for teams when it comes to ensuring amplified productivity and collaboration. Natalie’s JetRockets is one example of this. Natalie also emphasized how outsourcing software development can be a boon, a real godsend in so many different ways for companies. Lastly, she shared with us a few of the most anticipated IT trends that she thinks can change the way we work. To sum it up, this Expert Q&A couldn’t get more elucidative. We hope you enjoyed reading it!
x The Advent Of Newer Software Development Trends, Championing Remote Work and Much More

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