Metaverse, Productivity, Performance, and Role of Distributed Teams in the IT industry

Larry Lall July 21, 2022

Larry Lall

The pandemic has changed the working scenarios globally, but the concept of distributed teams was already booming before. Along with the idea of working from home & hybrid working models, the IT industry also witnessed an emerging trend in Virtual reality.

To gain insights into the emerging trends of Virtual reality, distributed teams, and hybrid working models, we did an expert Q&A series with Larry Lall, one of the finest growth strategists in the industry.

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About Larry Lall

Larry Lall is currently serving as EVP-growth strategies at Aircoins Metaverse and has an experience of more than 25 years of a variety of roles in development, delivery, operations, sales, and marketing. Adding laurels to his fascinating journey, Larry have to lead a technology organization for a $1.8 billion multinational conglomerate in Kuwait. Apart from this, he has also worked for different organizations in countries such as Brazil, Canada, and the U.S.

1. As a Growth Strategist and thought leader in the industry, how do you see the Metaverse evolving in regular industries?

In the coming years, I can witness Collaboration, Teaching and Learning Tool, and a Testing environment for new products and services in regular industries. 

2. What is an exciting project that are you working on in that regard?

I have worked on several challenging and exciting projects. But to name a few, the Integration of gaming and metaverse and physical & virtual realities are some of the best of those.  

3. We see you’ve talked about Remote Work – do you see it being sustained? What are some challenges you consider for it to be the new paradigm?

Yes, remote work will always be an option for organizations. The challenges will be the lack of physical engagement, building those personal relationships and personal development and growth being stunted.

4. Do you think distributed teams can bring that level of collaboration and competence?

Although there are a number of benefits surrounding distributed teams. But in terms of the level of collaboration and competence, I personally feel that they are not as great with face-to-face communications and collaboration. 

5. What is your take on Productivity and performance that Remote teams can bring? What is your experience in this regard?

Remote teams can have high productivity and performance provided that their job functions can be performed remotely and those job functions can be measurable. 

It’s a global workforce that can now be accessed at potentially reduced costs. 

Wrapping Up

As we can conclude from this expert Q&A series, Larry Lall helped us gain some of the greatest insights he has gained from his experience of 25 years. Remote & distributed teams are the greatest trends of this decade, and the productivity we are witnessing through the same is undeniable. The global workforce is now available readily and at reduced costs. Apart from this, Metaverse is undoubtedly the future of the IT industry!

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x Metaverse, Productivity, Performance, and Role of Distributed Teams in the IT industry

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