Seamless Cloud Migration with End-to-End CI/CD and Monitoring

AI ChatBot Interactions for Fundraising Platform


10Team Size

Software-as-a-Service (SAAS)Industry

Netsmartz’s expertise empowered the client to successfully transition from GCP to AWS, establish end-to-end CI/CD pipelines using AWS CodePipeline/CodeDeploy, and implement robust monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana.

About The Company

The client is a prominent SAAS company known for delivering innovative solutions to its clients. With a vision to enhance scalability, reliability, and operational efficiency, they sought our DevOps support to migrate from Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to Amazon Web Services (AWS) while implementing modern CI/CD practices and comprehensive monitoring.

About Evertrue

The Tech Stack









Team Composition

8 Developers, 2 DevOps Engineers

The Problem Statement

Their architecture required adjustments to ensure the new AWS environment could handle increased workloads. The client sought a more streamlined and automated approach to software deployment to enhance efficiency and reduce human error.

The Challenge

While undertaking this endeavor, we recognized multiple challenges like:

  • The migration process needed careful planning and coordination between development and operations teams to ensure a smooth transition without disrupting services.
  • The client needed to overcome the complexities of integrating these processes to enable rapid, reliable, and consistent software releases.
  • The client required comprehensive monitoring solutions to identify performance bottlenecks, anomalies, and potential issues before they impacted end-users. This called for the implementation of effective monitoring tools and alerting mechanisms.

The Solution

Netsmartz orchestrated a comprehensive solution encompassing cloud migration, end-to-end CI/CD implementation using AWS CodePipeline, and advanced monitoring leveraging Prometheus and Grafana.

  • We meticulously planned the migration from GCP to AWS, addressing data transfer and architecture adjustments and ensuring minimal downtime. This phase involved coordinating closely with the client’s development and operations teams.
  • Our experts set up an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline. Automated build, testing, and deployment stages were integrated, streamlining the software release process and enhancing consistency.
  • We adopted Infrastructure as Code principles using AWS CloudFormation, enabling automated and consistent infrastructure provisioning, ensuring that environments were reproducible and versioned.
  • Prometheus was employed for monitoring metrics and collecting data from various AWS services. Grafana was integrated to provide a visually appealing dashboard with real-time insights into system performance, helping identify bottlenecks and anomalies.
  • Using Prometheus Alertmanager, we configured alerts for critical performance thresholds. Notifications were set up to ensure swift action in case of any issues.

Our Process

Netsmartz followed the following process to fulfill the requirements of the client:

Mapping & Identifying Appropriate Resources

At Netsmartz, we conducted a detailed analysis of the project’s scope and requirements to determine the appropriate resources to be assigned to the project.

Team Engagement

The team was provided training for a week before they started working with the client. This involved understanding the client’s niche and requirements. The learning curve enabled them to generate 95% accuracy.

Consistent Client Feedback & Action

At Netsmartz, we prioritize listening to our client’s feedback and concerns. We responded promptly to client feedback, acknowledging receipt and providing action updates. This allowed us to maintain a strong client relationship and ensured that we addressed any concerns or issues they may have promptly and effectively.

The Result

Netsmartz drove remarkable improvements for the client: seamless GCP to AWS migration, efficient CI/CD for rapid releases, Infrastructure as Code for reliable provisioning, advanced Prometheus and Grafana monitoring, bolstered operational efficiency, and enhanced scalability, empowering innovation in the SAAS sector.


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