
2Team Size

Netsmartz’s engagement with the client was to focus on developing new features for the Android offering of their comprehensive platform.
About The Company
The client is a Rochester-based firm focusing on improving Medical decision-making through visualization – meant to enhance patient care, enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety.
The client aims to expand into a medical intelligence platform that enhances diagnosis for clinicians.

The Tech Stack


Android SDK
Team Composition
The engagement started with 2 full-time Android Developers along with a Project Manager allocated as dedicated resources to the client.
The Problem Statement
The client had an existing Android application handled by an in-house resource. However, the resource had to be allocated to other functions thus opening up an immediate to replace the expertise, and bring in a dedicated Android developer who could expand the application functionality, and add features, while working on maintenance and support.
The first item that the client wanted to tackle was the upgradation of 3rd party frameworks, and libraries to manage all version updates, and avoid the obsolescence of their application. Thus, time was of the essence, since the client did not want to lose customers because of the tedious, and less effective code.
The Challenge
Since the application operated in the Healthcare space, the client had to focus on the regulations and the compliances that were mandatory. Thus, the code was not available on a local machine but was rather worked on in a remote setup to ensure data protection.
With this constraint, the client and Netsmartz worked together to choose Amazon workspaces as a development platform, that had all the necessary compliance measures. In this manner, the developer could work actively on the application without the need to fiddle around with data limitation measures.
This allowed the collaboration to be effective while highlighting the methodological expertise of Netsmartz in tackling data security and healthcare software solutions.
The Solution
Netsmartz identified the requirements of the client and ascertained the scale, expertise, and skill set required for the engagement.
The expectations warranted experienced developers in a phased manner – the first Android developer to lay and assess the foundation of the application while focusing on upgrades (per the version updates), and the 2nd to scale the application, add features, and quicken the code velocity for a faster time to market.
On this note, the developers used were also vetted so as to pick the ones that had adequate experience working in developer environments while maintaining data integrity.
Our Process
Netsmartz followed the following process to fulfill the requirements of the client:

Mapping & Identifying Appropriate Resources
The preliminary task was to identify skilled, self-starting developers to work on the project. Since the expertise required was tethered to the industry vertical as well as required data security – senior resources were allocated after prevetting, and interview assessments.

Commencing Development
After the developer allocation, the existing code assessment and documentation started. The developer set up milestones, and targets, with the project manager, and worked on the expectations set by the client.
The Result
Netsmartz was able to provide the customer with on-demand Android expertise and a resource set that was well-versed in managing critical data security.
Furthermore, with Netsmartz’s Agile methodology, the client was able to leverage the resource skillset to upgrade and launch at a great pace – thus opening the avenue of scaling quickly and maintaining the existing customer base.
Additionally, with a flexible engagement model – customized for the client’s project, the client was able to overcome their hesitation in hiring remote resources.
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