On-Prem Openshift to EKS Migration with Service Upgrades for the Fintech Industry

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18Team Size


Netsmartz expertise enabled a fintech company to seamlessly migrate from on-premises Openshift to Amazon EKS, upgrade VM microservices, integrate Lambda and API Gateway for credit card APIs, and leverage PingOne SSO and CyberArk for enhanced security.

About The Company

The client, a fintech company specializing in payment solutions, aimed to modernize its infrastructure and enhance security while optimizing services. They partnered with us to migrate from on-premises Openshift to Amazon EKS, upgrade microservices, and integrate serverless components for credit card APIs.

About Evertrue

The Tech Stack









Team Composition

15 Developers, 3 DevOps Engineers

The Problem Statement

Migrating from an on-premises Openshift environment to Amazon EKS presented challenges in ensuring seamless scalability while minimizing service disruptions. Upgrading legacy VM-based microservices to a new version and migrating selected microservices from VM to Openshift posed challenges regarding compatibility, data migration, and ensuring consistent performance throughout the migration process.

The Challenge

While undertaking this endeavor, we recognized multiple challenges like:

  • Integrating credit card APIs using Lambda functions and Amazon API Gateway required addressing challenges related to serverless architecture design, efficient scalability, cost-effectiveness, and managing the operational intricacies of serverless components.
  • Integrating PingOne Single Sign-On (SSO) and CyberArk for enhanced security introduced challenges related to proper configuration, ensuring a smooth user experience, and effectively managing access control and authentication across the newly migrated infrastructure.
  • Utilizing Terraform, Ansible Tower, and AWS CodePipeline for infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and CI/CD pipeline establishment posed challenges in terms of defining consistent automation processes, minimizing deployment errors, and ensuring a reliable and efficient software release lifecycle.

The Solution

Netsmartz devised an intricate solution encompassing Openshift to EKS migration, microservice upgrades, Lambda and API Gateway integration, and enhanced security using PingOne SSO and CyberArk.

  • We comprehensively assessed the client’s existing infrastructure and application landscape. Based on the analysis, we formulated a migration strategy to transition from on-premises Openshift to Amazon EKS, ensuring minimal disruptions and maintaining service availability.
  • We implemented a phased approach to upgrade VM-based microservices to a new version. Simultaneously, selected microservices were migrated from VM to Openshift, leveraging Kubernetes’ container orchestration capabilities.
  • For credit card APIs, we integrated Lambda functions with Amazon API Gateway. This serverless architecture ensured efficient scalability, reduced operational overhead, and enhanced cost-effectiveness.
  • We integrated the PingOne Single Sign-On (SSO) cloud platform to enhance access security and user convenience across the newly migrated infrastructure. This improved the user experience while maintaining robust security standards.
  • CyberArk was employed for password rotation and secure management of credentials. This provided a robust approach to safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining regulatory compliance.
  • We used Terraform and Ansible Tower for infrastructure provisioning and configuration management, ensuring consistency and automation in resource deployment.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines were established using AWS CodePipeline, enabling automated and reliable software releases.

Our Process

Netsmartz followed the following process to fulfill the requirements of the client:

Mapping & Identifying Appropriate Resources

At Netsmartz, we conducted a detailed analysis of the project’s scope and requirements to determine the appropriate resources to be assigned to the project.

Team Engagement:

The team was provided training for a week before they started working with the client. This involved understanding the client’s niche and requirements. The learning curve enabled them to generate 95% accuracy.

Consistent Client Feedback & Action

At Netsmartz, we prioritize listening to our client’s feedback and concerns. We responded promptly to client feedback, acknowledging receipt and providing action updates. This allowed us to maintain a strong client relationship and ensured that we addressed any concerns or issues they may have promptly and effectively.

The Result

Netsmartz achieved transformative outcomes for the client’s operations: a seamless migration from on-prem Openshift to EKS, ensuring Kubernetes scalability; phased microservice upgrades and VM-to-Openshift migration for modernized services; optimized credit card API integration via Lambda and API Gateway; elevated security with PingOne SSO and CyberArk; streamlined processes with Terraform, Ansible, and CI/CD; and compliant, secure handling of sensitive data. This DevOps collaboration empowered the fintech to enhance efficiency, scalability, and security, fostering innovation in the competitive landscape.


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