The State of Cloud & SaaS in 2022
Over the past few years, SaaS and the Cloud have become increasingly popular. The global cloud spending, as predicted by Gartner, on public cloud services is expected to reach $482 billion in 2022.
This showcases the immense potential as well as adoption of SaaS products across the globe.
Now, with each day passing, technology improves more data, new APIs, and advancements powering everything from image recognition to language generation. This means the SaaS products we are using are also growing more adept, more functional, and more relevant.
So, let’s ask an innate question: Where is the SaaS and Cloud industry heading?
We’ve done an assessment of the present scope with a quick infographic:
As the capabilities of what can be done with the cloud continue to grow, the complexities associated with implementing these technologies also increase.
So, what’s the solution? Hiring a product development organization that allows you with end-to-end SaaS product development services is!

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