Introduction to Memory Corruption
Memory corruption is a cybersecurity vulnerability that occurs when a system’s memory is altered unintentionally. Many factors could potentially cause this cyber threat, for example, programming errors, hardware malfunctions, incorrect memory allocation, etc.
Any memory corruption attack can cause severe disruption including system instability, crashes, downtime, or other security vulnerabilities. Therefore, system owners are always looking for ways to avoid these issues and ensure highly efficient memory management.
What Causes Memory Corruption?
Now that you have a brief understanding of what memory corruption is, let us take a closer look at some of its main causes.
- Buffer Overflow
- Dangling Pointers
The first and most common reason for memory corruption is buffer overflow. This occurs when a buffer exceeds its defined data capacity causing an “overflow”. This overflow leads to overwriting of adjacent data which can cause data corruption, crashes, etc.
A pointer is described as a memory address that refers to different locations within a memory. Dangling pointers, on the other hand, are pointers that have no valid memory location. So, accessing memory through a dangling pointer can cause data corruption.
Common Consequences of Memory Corruption
The impact of memory corruption can give rise to several other consequences that you need to be familiar with. Let us shed some light on a few of these common aftermaths.
- Cybersecurity Threats
- Program Crashes
- Compromised Data Integrity
Memory corruption can open doors for several security vulnerabilities in your system. Since memory corruption leads to downtime, data leakage, etc., it could give attackers an easy access point to your personal and your business’s sensitive information.
Frequent program crashes are a common consequence of memory corruption. Not only this, program crashing eventually causes data loss, downtime, and ineffective efficiency. This is a result of corrupted memory which leads to unwanted errors in the system.
Memory corruption also causes data corruption which results in a major compromise on data integrity. This could turn into a serious complication since data corruption can mean the loss of critical business information which can affect strategic decision-making.
How to Mitigate the Risk of Memory Corruption?
There are several precautionary measures you can follow to mitigate the risk of memory corruption. We have listed five of these prevention strategies that you must be aware of.
- Deploy Stronger Security Protocols
- Follow Secure Coding Standards
- Consider Memory Isolation
- Use Safe Programming Languages
It is not in your control to prevent memory corruption that happens unintentionally. However, you can mitigate the risk it comes with by deploying highly secure and strong security strategies such as multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Another effective way for you to prevent memory corruption is to follow safe coding practices. Software development practices that include input validation, memory management, etc., can significantly reduce the chances of memory corruption.
In the event of an attack, you would want to protect all your system’s memory. However, once the memory starts to corrupt, it might not be possible. This is why you should consider memory isolation which prevents unaffected memory from being corrupted.
There are many programming languages available that are memory-safe and thus prevent common memory corruption issues. Rust, Java, and Go are a few of these languages that have automatic memory management features providing immunity from corruption.