In the software development industry, managing remote teams is nothing new. Software developers enjoyed the ability to work remotely even before the pandemic. However, the pandemic has accelerated the rise of remote work, clubbing dedicated teams in the playing field, where businesses are considering remote options.
![Remote Development](data:image/svg+xml;nitro-empty-id=MTEyMjoxNTc=-1;base64,PHN2ZyB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgODAwIDU4NiIgd2lkdGg9IjgwMCIgaGVpZ2h0PSI1ODYiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI+PC9zdmc+)
Not only does remote hiring allow organizations to choose experienced individuals equipped with technical skills, but it also helps organizations save money.
According to a Gartner survey, 80 percent of CEOs want to allow remote working at least part of the time. In contrast, 47% said they would accept full-time remote work, and 42% said they would offer flex hours.
Culling the risks and expenditures connected with the growing number of full-time workers may be a crucial subject of survival for startups with low budgets or high startup expenses.
Apart from identifying the several benefits of hiring a
remote software development team, it is also essential to remember that it is not always a trouble-free process – mainly if you’re not initiated with remote teams. Before going to a remote hire, there are some possible risks to be familiar with.
9 Pitfalls to Avoid When Hiring a Remote Software Development Team
1. Language Barriers
The language barrier is the most concerning matter based on the location you prefer for global remote hiring. Understanding and communicating technological terms and specifications can often be very complex, even when using the same language.
Video calls are an excellent approach to better acquaintance if issues occur. In this way, remote teams can communicate with clients or internal teams in a more fluid manner. It helps to understand the project without any communication obstacles, leading to better team discussions.
2. Different Time Zones
The significant difference between the time zones of different countries is another critical challenge when hiring remote working staff from other countries. For example, some organizations make use of agile development with scrum. These organizations can avail maximum benefits from the workers situated in the same or a comparable time zone.
Source: Microsoft On the other hand, countries such as India are located in distant time zones that further make work cooperation troublesome, so consider a vendor with a nearshore option or one with office campuses near your location.
3. Cultural Barriers
Suppose you have a US-based organization; you will undoubtedly be aware of the leading US holidays and how these local festivities will impact your business’ standard work calendar. However, choose a remote global location to hire your organization’s software developers. You will have to face new holiday patterns and another cultural background divergence around what states “a typical work week” that will further affect your project time limits and overall business output.
4. The Far Distant Location
There is a famous universal quote – “out of sight, out of mind.” This quote sometimes becomes factual while hiring a team of remote software developers. Hiring a group of such developers in distant locations might be risky.
“Those impromptu encounters at the office help keep leaders honest. With remote work, there are fewer chances to ask employees, “Hey, how are you?” and then pick up on important cues as they respond. But the data is clear: our people are struggling. And we need to find new ways to help them.”- Jared Spataro, CVP at Microsoft 365 Not only is it probable for you to overlook that remote support is available out there and to underutilize this support, but far-away positions can make regular communication and covering work updates complicated.
5. Paying Higher than the Market Price
You must comprehend the price strategy of the contractor. For example, suppose time is an issue, or you are running on a deadline. In that case, the service provider must deliver the code as soon as feasible, preferably faster than the competitors.
In these situations, it is thus prudent to consider the pricing aspects, clauses, the fine-read in the contract. Make sure contingencies and requirements are well-mapped and addressed.
6. Employee Retention Rate and Turnover
When hiring a remote workforce, it is crucial to know about employee turnover. You can only access the best software developers from a company with a high employee retention rate and low turnover. Such developers will not only help you to complete your project on time but will also be responsible for developing quality code.
Such developers will not only help you to complete your project on time but will also be responsible for developing quality code.
7. Safety Concerns
The safety concerns will always affect local workers running your projects. These concerns may also affect whether you or a developer of your team can visit your remote software developers. As you select a remote software development partner, many vital aspects – Intellectual protection, data privacy, patent security – are crucial to know.
Many vital aspects – Intellectual protection, data privacy, patent security – are crucial to know as you select a remote software development partner.
8. Technical Infrastructure
Even though your internet connection may be flawless at your present business location, several other places across the globe may have access to unbalanced technical infrastructures, such as inconsistent internet connection and repeated power outages.
Thus, choosing a location equipped with a sound technical infrastructure is essential when hiring a remote software development workforce.
Quick case in point: Netsmartz has over $100M invested in its Global infrastructure. 9. Failing to Follow Remote Work Policies
To be productive, every remote software development team should have defined operational guidelines. From security and scheduling to meetings and social interactions, getting your entire staff on the same page is crucial.
If your business doesn’t have clear remote work policies, you’ll have to make one on your own. Remote development is here to stay. You’re laying the groundwork for the future by establishing clear guidelines.
To Conclude
One of the best-preferred criteria for hiring a dedicated remote software development team is to consider afore-shared risks and expectations. Make sure to vett, research, and dive into the intricacies of remote team services. A thorough search should land you a vendor that defines your business’s success. Netsmartz has worked as a Remote Development partner for enterprises and startups for the last 21 years. We’ve been a reliable remote partner offering a suite of managed services covering everything from application development, CRM and ERP implementation, machine learning, AI, mobile app development, eCommerce solutions, QA services, and consulting in proven and fluid
engagement models.
Hire our pre-vetted dedicated developers to scale your business needs with our remote development services.