The demand for remote work has been on the rise for a few years, but when a global pandemic struck in 2020, even organizations that didn’t believe in the benefits of telecommuting had no choice but to adopt the trend.
And for many, having to adjust to a whole new reality in a short amount of time turned out to be the silver lining in an otherwise terrible situation.
Remote Work is here to stay!
Ladders predict, “By the end of 2022, 25% of all professional jobs in North America will be remote. Moreover, the increase in remote opportunities will continue through 2023”.
Whether you’re an employer considering to follow work-from-home rules once the healthcare crisis is over, or an employee looking for remote prospects in your field, there’s a lot to learn about the remote work world.
Let’s Check out the Remote Work Statistics in year 2022 —
- In the world, 16% of businesses are entirely remote.
- People opt to work remotely for various reasons, the most important of which is a better work-life balance.
- According to 85 percent of managers, having a team with remote workers will become the new norm.
- 77 percent of remote workers claim they are more productive when working from home.
- Having the opportunity to work remotely would make 74 percent of employees less likely to leave a company.
- Unplugging after work (22 percent), loneliness (19 percent), and communication/collaboration are the top three obstacles connected with remote employment (17 percent).
What is Remote Work Culture
Even when working from a distance, coworkers enjoy a sense of connection with one another and the organization in remote work culture. Whether your firm chose remote work or was forced to do so due to the epidemic, you must spend the required time & effort to learn how to hire a team of remote developers; and maintain a long-term remote work culture. More than 77% of remote employees are more productive at home. Although many people believe that working from home can be extremely distracting and can impair productivity, statistics indicate otherwise. In an in-house team, remote workers are more productive, creative, and engaged. Managing remote teams and bringing them together from afar necessitates additional organization. It also necessitates mindfulness, intention, and a reinvention of how your staff collaborates in the traditional sense.Remote Work = A Long-Term Commitment
According to Owl Labs’ 2021 State of Remote Work Report, 2021 was when most companies stayed remote, with 90% of the 2,050 full-time remote employees polled saying they were more productive while on remote work than in the office. Moreover, 74 percent said working from home is better for their mental health after the epidemic, and 84 percent said working remotely would make them happier after the pandemic, with many prepared to take a pay loss. A survey done on 1,000 full-time workers in January 2022 from Ergotron corroborates the Owl Labs study, demonstrating that as workers have become more accustomed to hybrid and remote office environments since the outbreak, they are reaping physical and emotional benefits. These two findings, taken together, suggest that American firms are paying attention and looking beyond today to develop more progressive workplace regulations that will help employees succeed. Leaders must reimagine their workplace culture to be more accommodating of remote and hybrid work, according to the research, because this is the new normal. Quick Plug: Netsmartz is an IT firm that offers a wide range of remote development services and remote developers for your software project. Our Developers are skilled at improving productivity, and providing creative & advanced tech solutions to ensure better functionality, better flexibility and scalability.Why Your Business Need Remote Work
Let’s look at a few advantages of building a remote work culture.- Remote work enhances your work-life balance.
- Employee productivity rises when they work from home.
- Work from home saves money, time, and extra effort.
- Remote work provides you access to a larger pool of talent globally.
- Employee retention can be enhanced by working remotely.
Lessons Learnt from Remote Work
Not only do employees with flexible work alternatives tend to be more productive and have a better work-life balance, but working remotely also helps people learn essential things about themselves, as indicated above. Let’s take a look at a few—Organizing Your Time
Most people can learn the time management skills they need to be effective with remote work in only a few days, such as setting reminders, making to-do lists, and sticking to a plan. Once you’ve mastered those talents, you can apply them to other aspects of your life.Self-Motivation
Apart from controlling your own time, when you work from home, you must be self-motivated to complete your tasks and avoid distractions, such as some of the inherent distractions that come with working from home.Balancing Work & Family
Employees can better prioritize family activities and responsibilities with remote work since they can log in with flexible hours to manage recreational activities with their families.Creating Remote Work Motivation
To minimize boredom, remote employees can maintain a specific working environment in their home or a room where they enjoy spending their time. The location could be near a window so you can work while admiring nature’s splendor.Keeping in Touch
One of the most crucial lessons you’ll learn from remote work is how to stay connected even when you’re not in the corporate office. It frequently necessitates remote workers being more active on email and organizing weekly check-ins. When you are working from home, you mostly forget about meetings, but it’s essential to keep connected to remain a member of the team.Know-how in Technology
If you work from home, it’s your responsibility to be your own IT consultant, regardless of your age or technological knowledge. It entails remaining current on the most acceptable chat, server, and conference call alternatives and understanding how to troubleshoot when problems arise.To Wrap Up
Remote work seems interesting, powerful, and even financially rewarding if you are honest about the advantages and disadvantages. It’s a way to avoid the daily commuting grind, whether you’re a freelancer, a company’s part-time/full-time employee who doesn’t show up to work on certain days or at all. On the other hand, added responsibilities come with more freedom, as well as planning, self-discipline, foresight, and focus —and, yes, hours of unbroken hard work. Working from home isn’t as easy as taking a walk in the park; it’s just a different place, as many home-based employees will tell you.Summary
The Demand for Remote Work in 2022: It is Here to Stay!
John Ogden
Published on
March 22, 2022
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