Serverless Computing Trends to Watch in 2019

Serverless computing is a hot topic that is often referred to as the ‘future of computing’. This fast-growing cloud service model is very popular for creating native cloud applications that reduce the operational overhead of development teams. For those who are new to serverless computing, here’s a quick explanation. Serverless does not mean without servers; it’s simply that the cloud provider runs the services and manages the resources. Serverless architectures include FaaS(function-as-a-service such as AWS), PaaS(platform-as-a-service such as Google App Engine or Red Hat OpenShift) and a CaaS(container-as-a-service such as Google’s GKE and Azure’s ACS). Let’s now look at Serverless computing trends that are making their way in 2019.
  1. Serverless Java
Java has been a slow performer as compared to JavaScript and Python. But a little work with Java makes it a great performer like its other competitors. Serverless Java is predicted to be an astounding technical solution, and migration to it could turn out to be a boom.  But, for Java to completely turn serverless may need a few more years.
  1. Serverless Testing
As an infant, serverless testing is another emerging trend in 2019. Serverless testing for monitoring and debugging software solutions is expected to explore new vertices in deeper code testing and in ensuring the quality of the software product. This is still under research and development, and we hope to see it soon.
  1. Large Scale Adoption
2019 is the year of adopting serverless technology in mass. Cloud-native applications are the basic reason behind the large scale adoption of serverless technology. In addition, container-based applications are fueling the popularity of serverless architecture adoption as they require versatile containers to be applied to legacy applications. Also, the trend charts add FaaS features to become popular as they help in easy development of complex serverless applications. In the current scenario, there are many Cloud Infrastructure Services that provide the most optimal Serverless solutions.
  1. Serverless for Long Running Applications
The present serverless application includes short-lived and stateless applications. The advances in technologies like Kubernetes are making going serverless now a popular trend for stateful applications. The emerging serverless workflows are ensuring scalability of serverless applications.
  1. Hybrid IT with Serverless
The hybrid serverless IT models expand across multi-cloud environments and data centers. For many enterprises, some applications run on the cloud, while others stay on-premise. Serverless technology is expected to be more integrated with other leading technologies to give enterprise applications a more integrated approach.
  1. Improvement in Serverless Security
The present serverless technology tends to transfer server level security to the cloud service provider, and this, in turn, exposes data to attackers, which is a great security breach. With the increasing numbers of serverless adoption by enterprises, this technology is being worked upon for better security and to be a more robust feature. Moreover with increasing demand of IT security services, this becomes an important aspect. Conclusion: Like many other technologies, serverless is going through its initial phase of research and development. Apart from the fact that it is widely implemented, there are still great possibilities for enhancements and restructuring as a future technology. 2019 is the year that will bring many changes and improvements in serverless technology for enterprises to benefit from it.


Serverless Computing Trends to Watch in 2019
Vikas Katoch, Vice President
Published on
June 15, 2019

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