DevOps Lifecycle: A Comprehensive Guide for Startups

DevOps Lifecycle

By creating a more interactive programming environment and establishing relationships between developers and operations, DevOps has completely changed how software is developed and released. DevOps guarantees overall versatility to satisfy any needs of the market or consumers. So if you want to streamline your development process, DevOps is your answer. Moreover, for your startup to fully benefit from all of DevOps’ advantages, adopting a comprehensive DevOps lifecycle would be preferable. 

U.S DevOps Market

What is the DevOps Lifecycle? 

The various phases of the DevOps methodology are used for development, installation, and maintenance to provide startups with a competitive edge by streamlining the development process. It gives you a unified framework for incorporating DevOps methods into your workflow for delivering software more quickly and consistently. Additionally, to accommodate shifting demands, it provides the necessary flexibility. All existing software development procedures are intended to be replaced by this technique in the coming years since it is:

The software development process will constantly loop through each life cycle stage. The DevOps lifecycle consists of the following seven stages:
DevOps Lifecycle

Is a DevOps Lifecycle Even Necessary?

A well-executed lifecycle will provide numerous benefits, a framework for implementing DevOps principles, and a more robust and adaptable programming and managerial experience. Here’s what the DevOps lifecycle offers:

Now that we know the necessity of a healthy DevOps lifecycle, let’s examine each of these phases separately.

7Cs of DevOps Lifecycle 

Decision-making and coding are involved in continuous development. Other shorter development cycles make up the complete process. The DevOps group finds it simple to use this technique to accelerate the entire development cycle. The development cycle’s goal must be mapped out during this stage, and programmers must know the project’s goal and how to proceed gradually. Eventually, the group can establish the end objective.

Although many different version control systems are employed to update code, scheduling does not necessarily require using DevOps technologies. These kinds of code management are referred to as source code management. These tools for managing source code are widespread:

Continuous integration entails many actions related to the test processes. At this stage, customers provide data that is utilized to create advanced functionality for the software. The majority of source code modifications are completed throughout this stage.

Due to constant modifications, CI has become the main focus for addressing code discrepancies. Writing code involves several steps, including unit and integration testing, bug fixing, and packaging. Because programmers make changes frequently, they can identify and fix problems rapidly. New code features are gradually incorporated into the source code during this stage. Because development is continuous, the updated code fits seamlessly throughout the overall system. The recovery of updated code and also the development of a functional build are made more accessible by integration tools.

The DevOps lifecycle’s significant element, continuous testing, involves checking the written code for issues and flaws that could have slipped in. It doesn’t just apply to recently introduced code. DevOps teams perform a whole test suite to ensure the latest changes won’t influence the old codebase. At this point, constructed quality, automated testing, and quality assessment are useful for verifying that the developed application is functional.

The remote QA testing procedure should be completed appropriately to assess whether the software satisfies the customer’s needs. Tools like JUnit, Selenium, and Testing allow the QA team to evaluate multiple codebases simultaneously. This guarantees that the functionality of the software system is flawless.

Additionally, Docker containers are continuously monitored to replicate the entire testing environment. Everything required to operate an application, like system tools, frameworks, runtime code, and configurations, is contained in a small downloadable file. Active testing helps in:

Continuous deployment guarantees trouble-free software deployment without affecting the effectiveness of the application. During this stage, ensuring that the code is accurately distributed on all accessible servers is crucial. By using this method, planned releases are no longer necessary. It also boosts the feedback process, enabling developers to quickly and precisely resolve problems.

Moreover, virtualization can be implemented at the OS  via containerization. Consistency between testing, developing, staging, and operational environments are aided by this. During the continuous deployment stage, configuration management is essential. The functionalities of the software must typically be configured and maintained regularly. In configuration management, software like Chef, Puppet, and Ansible is useful.

Software performance must be closely monitored to assess the overall effectiveness of the outcome. This step involves processing essential data related to the software. The code may have ambiguities and more prominent code structures that demand more attention from programmers.

The objective of continuous monitoring is to elevate the overall performance of the software program. Consequently, it stands within the most crucial phases of the DevOps lifecycle.

Numerous system difficulties, including “server not accessible,” “low storage,” and other similar problems, are fixed in the continuous monitoring phase. It guarantees the accessibility and security of the software. Network issues and other issues are promptly dealt with during this stage.

For the assessment and evaluation of the software’s outcome. The feedback from stakeholders sets the foundation for improving the current edition and releasing a new one.

The development process can only be improved if the outcomes of software activities are evaluated. Information is crucial since it offers all the specifics regarding the software’s functionality and any associated issues. In this, the users’ feedback is also included. The collected data provides insight into the finished’s effectiveness and potential problems.

The DevOps lifecycle ends with operations, in which the software is managed after being handed to the customers. Monitoring is a crucial component of processes for determining the software’s viability. It ensures the software works correctly and consistently during its operational phase.

The operations department is mainly responsible for keeping the software up to date. Nonetheless, the problem can extend to specific other teams when there is a problem, and a cure needs to be developed, tested, and deployed by several departments. In such circumstances, the operations team is also in charge of handling end-user reviews and offering user assistance.

Tips from Netsmartz on Optimizing Your Development Process

It is always better to conduct thorough research.  Start by establishing an overall estimation and picturing the hardship and benefit. The DevOps team may employ a variety of methodologies, including software design, user journey visualization, mapping value streams, etc., to establish challenge statements. These methods assist the team in creating a roadmap for the software and establishing its trajectory.

The DevOps lifecycle lacks one element: Security. There needs to be a defined method for integrating cybersecurity into the DevOps workflow. So make sure to incorporate safety elements during the development, debugging, or maintenance phases.

Here’s a list of all the tools you can use during different phases of the  DevOps Lifecycle

Devops Phases

Final Words

DevOps has created a new environment in the application development industry by guaranteeing that software meets the utmost quality levels. Maximizing automation and maintaining continuity are the fundamental goals of the DevOps lifecycle. The speed at which the software is delivered with a superior user experience depends entirely on how well the development, testing, and operations teams interact. Do you also intend to use a DevOps solution for improved teamwork or streamline your development processes to increase your business benefits? 

By utilizing a CI/CD pipeline to maximize efficiency and improve customer engagement, Netsmartz can help you optimize your process. All stages of the software development life-cycle adhere to DevOps evidence-based practices. Developing a cross-functional workforce will improve collaboration, and our DevOps specialists can assist. 

Feel free to contact us to leverage the significant benefits of a successful DevOps lifecycle.


DevOps Lifecycle: A Comprehensive Guide for Startups
Parth Gargish
Published on
September 13, 2022

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