Dedicated Product Development Teams for Projects of Any Scale and Complexity

dedicated development team
Product Development. Basic SaaS, Custom Software or Run-of-the-mill webapps. All of these tenets associated with product development have a common aspect – that of agile development cycles and consistent maintenance and feature upgrades. SaaS Products in 2021 ought to give you a perspective of the agility at which a product needs to evolve and transform to stay relevant and preferably a customer favorite. The idea of ​​outsourcing product development services and teams with the requisite skills and expertise without geo restrictions, however, is not new. It has been in the industry for quite a long time – starting from early 2000s outsourcing to India and later expanding that avenue to SEA and Eastern Europe. What is new however, is a SaaS organization’s consideration of a dedicated product development team – consisting of a remote team of product developers (like some other subject matter experts) that meet all necessities – from MVP to Scaling and Final Product rollout. Quick note – Netsmartz, with years of experience in software development, supports enterprises with dedicated teams. Whether you are looking for new product development or want to improve your existing project to fill the gaps, we provide you with a team of professionals to help you maintain the product development life cycle.
Now, back to the basics. Let us look at the various aspects and definitions you need to be aware of to consider Dedicated Software Teams for your SaaS products or regular product development.

What is A Dedicated Development Team? What does it entail for your Product?

The Dedicated Product development team is considered the most popular collaboration model between the client and Software Solutions provider. The team provides the customer with a remote software development team that meets all customer requirements based on technical skills, quantity, capabilities, or training. Additionally, the solutions provider often offers Product Managers, Consulting and other services mandatory for a successful product. They are capable of working on clients’ projects meeting all the needs and deadlines. The team as a service includes:
  • Recruiting services include interviews, talent search, skill tests.
  • Management, operational, and legal services, including vendors taking care of all accounting procedures and other hiring-related tasks.
  • Office, workplace setup, and workstation management – remote: Nearshore or Offshore.
  • Configure and maintain the data security of software development and codes.
  • Support for your team includes adaptive, on-demand team-building activities.
Team size and expected workload can easily calculate the expense model for software development monthly costs. Thus, a Product development budget and development cycle is quite simple. As for the arrangement timeline, the agreement is commonly three months, a half year, or a year. Sometimes, it tends to be broadened to include Product Feature additions, Code Maintenance or Testing services. That often depends on the client’s preference and relations with the provider. Moreover, the product development team is a solid match when hiring for ongoing projects or extending an in-house team for mid/large-scale projects to build the product and implement the iteration process in a more agile way. Advantages of Development Team Looking to hire a dedicated team for your on-going software product following the iteration process in a more agile way? Hire Netsmartz as your outsource partner without giving a second thought. Click To Tweet
This gives us a brief as to what a Dedicated Product Development Team can deliver. Now let us look at the key players, deliverables and schematic of the Product Dev cycle –

Key Players of Dedicated Product Development Team

Usually, if you want to hire a dedicated team, you can create a team of professionals suited to the nuances of a particular project. Therefore, the structure is always different and personalized. Thus, the average agile team includes the following key players are required when it comes to developing an agile team:
  • Team Coordinator or Project Delivery Manager: They are responsible for the project development from the start till the end. That means initiating the plan, brainstorming and building strategy, and executing development & design tasks. They coordinate well with the team, help them manage workload, and support their operational assignments.
  • Business Analyst (Optional): They fill the gap between IT requirements and the business offering solutions to stakeholders like monitoring the processes, analyzing the project requirements, and using data analytics to deliver data-based recommendations.
  • Software developer: An experienced software developer is an embedded engineer with the skills and experience to work on a project. They analyze the target audience and their requirements and get involved in the complete software development life cycle – from initial planning to testing.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers: They analyze the quality of the end product through software testing, requirements, user interface, upload, and more. You might need only the QA team or just the development team to maximize the quality.
  • DevOps, System Administrators, UI/UX Designers: The product development team maintains a competitive edge by introducing processes & tools, fixing computer server problems, creating the user interface based on the user’s valuable feedback during the software development life cycle. The team efficiently makes an ideal-size team for your needs according to your preferred location (offshore or inshore).

How Netsmartz Helps You Set Up Your Product Development Team?

The process of providing a dedicated team for a project is often personalized according to the specific situation better to meet the expectations and needs of the client. Generally, it includes the following stages:
  • We analyze your team and their skills to understand the requirements. It includes education levels, various technologies, years of experience, unique skills, and much more.
  • After analyzing the team and researching the market, we shortlist the candidates while coordinating well with you to make sure they best fit with the project’s goals by sending the resumes.
  • You can participate in the interview and selection process where most customers prefer to have a final interview to validate our selected candidates.
  • Once the team is formed, we will maintain the hiring & onboarding process by establishing a dedicated project team. It includes hiring a developer and offering them the required infrastructure, allocating time to the project manager/coordinator for reviews and improvements, and maintaining high motivation and an equally high level of participation.
  • We offer temporary staff, expert advice, 24/7 support, security testing, configuration, continuing on-board training, software development practices, team management, additional guidance on quality control, team management, and much more.
Dedicated Team

Advantages of Netsmartz Resources

Netsmartz Resource team is well capable of providing you the following benefits:
  • Hiring speed increments significantly so you can begin and deliver your projects/tasks on schedule.
  • Save time on the choice interaction with Pre-Vetted Talent from an Elite Pool of Developers, Product Managers and Consultants
  • Decrease the hiring issues like attrition in the Middle of a Product Cycle
  • Optimized spending plan by outsourcing the software development services
  • No extra expenses for office space, employment, and hiring – kickback and start building.
Netsmartz offers customization and adaptability, offering companies with a more ideal-sized and explicit team of dedicated software developers based on the requirement to make the project a win-win.

Will Outsourcing Product Development with Netsmartz Work For You?

Here are a couple of signs that show a dedicated product development team may serve your business:
  • Your organization is developing quickly, or the size of a project surpasses the size of your in-house team.
  • You are a global enterprise or a distributed team functioning admirably with numerous areas.
  • You have open software development opportunities while working with us with the right talent to stay ahead of competitors.
  • You require some specific expertise or skills that your project needs but your in-house team doesn’t have.
Our Product Development Teams can handle all types of tasks, including web and cloud development, Mobile App development, Workspaces, Cross-platform apps and Custom Software. The remote IT team is a fantastic expansion. Of course, all critical management and control options are yours. We have been serving clients of various companies for almost 22 years. Our dedicated team becomes a fundamental part of your expertise. It slowly takes care of supporting, improving, and growing your software development products, giving them a new level of success.


Dedicated Product Development Teams for Projects of Any Scale and Complexity
Anup Mehrotra
Published on
March 31, 2021

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