How Building Your Remote Team Helps your Software Firm

How Building Your Remote Team Helps Staff Augmentation Needs

Augment your Staff with Remote Employees and Dedicated Teams.

Scaling Software Teams. When needed. As needed.

In on-demand businesses, the company is built according to the customer and the market needs. That said, there is an On-demand aspect associated with establishing teams and hiring employees that seems rather prudent in these evolving times. The Augmented staff is the On-Demand staff hired for either a short or extended period depending upon the requirements. Augmented staff provides you with a faster resolution for your short-term problems.

On a simple premise.

Hire when required – as and when you want to scale – on any tech stack you require.

Staff Augmentation is a term in the IT staffing services market, offering a respite from the time-consuming and difficult process to get talent on board. All because of the challenges of living in a society where the pandemic has imposed significant constraints. More organizations are hiring remotely due to the broader trend of globalization.

How Staff Augmentation Works

For instance, your organization works on mobile applications, and there are various stages in mobile application development and design. Then, what procedure are you going to follow? First comes the designing -> development -> testing -> deployment -> and finally the promotion of the application. Now, if your organization has people who are great at designing, but the app requires some high-end coding in the development phase, you could hire a staff member as an extension to your team. An addition. Based on your requirement at that moment instead of hiring a full-time employee for that singular task. Alternatively, when you seek services from a remote team, it allows you to bring in skilled resources who know the technology you need. Then you can “hire” one resource, or two, or an entire team and utilize them for as long as you want. When you build a remote team, you pay them only for their time working for you and the deliverables they bring to you. It saves a lot of time & cost, especially if you have a lot of downtime between specific stages of projects. Just imagine how much would have been the cost of hiring all the experts to work in-house. The average cost of employing a full-time developer is an additional 76 percent of an employee’s salary. – Codementor. When you keep all this in mind, you can see why it is more advantageous to hire someone for only the amount of time you require. Let us also consider the time investment that goes into hiring a regular employee. Glassdoor says that hiring a new employee takes almost 23 days, which does not include induction and training. Therefore, if you look for a professional in a specific technology to work for you for just six months, it can be much costlier. At the same time, a remote team or an extension to your team (staff augmentation) would work best for those needs. If you hire a new professional, it could take months for him to be prepared to write code for you. Suppose you already have an existing remote team. In that case, you can request another member to help you cover your immediate needs because they are continuously trained and work with the most current technologies.

Benefits of Having A Dedicated Remote Team

1. You Can Cope With the Lack of Growth Your Organization is Going Through

For instance, you decided to do a project to provide some application-based services, but somehow when you launched the application, the demand for functionality grew, and you did not have the staff to fulfill those requirements. What Now? Your cloud team will help you by providing specialized members so that you can cope with the immediate growth needs.

2. You Need to Hire New Staff, But You Do Not Have Time to Train Them

You need new staff members to fill the void in a team, but you do not have time to prepare. Your remote team can train the staff (or even better, already have pre-vetted, experienced developers) and then deploy them to you, which ultimately saves your time.

3. Your Current Scenario Doesn’t Go As Planned

Many times, things never turn out exactly how we’d planned them; this might happen in your organization as well. For instance, you had decided to launch the website and application for your organization simultaneously. Still, the website was not complete when the mobile application was ready due to a lack of qualified staff. Therefore, if you want your website finished fast, you can outsource website development to a dedicated development team. They will help you complete your projects quicker and ensure you launch everything together.

4. Remote Team Has the Capability to Update Your Internal Team

Most businesses hire a remote team to complete their development task and guide their in-house team to update their technical skills. It generally happens that companies sometimes do not want to let go of their in-house team, but rather develop them and update their skillset to rehash and improve their output. The reason could be the team’s affinity and familiarity with the product or project, keen learning, and knowing what the business needs to run effectively. With the help of a remote team, you can also train your existing staff members while ensuring on-call, in-house support. Remote teams are always up-to-date with the latest technological advancements, stacks, libraries, and codebases. They make sure to work according to your organization’s methodology not to disturb the rest of the project.

5. If Your Requirement is Temporary, A Cloud Team is Usually the Best Solution for You

You can build a remote team for your needs for as short as six months and as long as a decade. The team can work on whichever technology you want them to work for the success of your project.

To Conclude

Start with discussing your needs with an offshore partner. The next day you may see you selecting the right resources for your needs and building a team of your own that works only for you and only on your projects.


How Building Your Remote Team Helps your Software Firm
Anup Mehrotra
Published on
September 21, 2018

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